Welcome on Arnaud Begue’s portfolio

You will find here more information about my skills as well as my professional and student achievements.

Graduated from Epitech school (2014 promotion), I specialized in gameplay development, architecture, tools and integration.

To allow a better communication in the team, I expand my horizons by studying Game Design as well as visual creation (modeling, UV, texturing, sculpting, lighting and tools such as Maya, ZBrush, Substance, PopcornFx etc.).


Curriculum vitae

Printable version (PDF) available in English and in French (last update 13/11/2023).

Unity3D Mastering

  • 9+ years of experience
  • Video game development, serious game/advert games (mobile, AR, VR)
  • Editor tools
  • Knowledge:
    • Architecture (flow structure, simili-UML designs to share with team)
    • Every Unity aspects (rendering, audio, physic, input, nav mesh, lighting, settings, standalone/mobile deployment, editor tools, UI, etc.)
    • Development on built-in and URP context
    • Optimization (CPU/GPU)
    • Used tools:
      • UniTask
      • Flow Canvas
      • Odin Inspector
      • Unity Localization / Visual Scripting / XR / AR Foundation (and lot of other)

Unreal Engine 4 Mastering

  • 5+ years of experience
  • Video game development, with portage on PS4/XboxOne, and deployment on Steam & itch.io
  • Gameplay, editor tools, asset integration (materials, VFX, audio), optimisations
  • Familiar with most aspects of Unreal Engine
  • Experience in creating a video game project from A to Z (see Boiling Bolt)

Mastered languages

C# / C++ 


TestDome Certificate C++ 08/2023

Video game engines used


SDK known


 Additionals: OpenCV, NAudio, wxWidget, FLTK, Box2D

Exotic technologies

Kinect, Dreamoc, Verve

VR: Oculus Rift/GO/Quest 2, HTC Vive, Microsoft Acer


Development environments

  • Windows: Visual Studio, Cygwin/Emacs
  • Unix: Emacs
  • Common: MonoDevelop, Xamarin, Qt Creator, Eclipse

Important notions and initiations

  • Game logic
  • Architecture
  • Game Design (initiated by experiences / GDC conferences / Gamasutra)
  • Graphic Rendering
    • Shaders (Nvidia CG, HLSL, GLSL, also worked a little on CUDA a while ago)
    • Post-Process effects
    • Lighting
  • 3D Mathematics (vectors, matrices, quaternions)
  • IA (Behavior Tree architecture)
  • Pathfinding
  • 2D Physic
  • Image processing (CPU)

Linked knowledge

3D modeling:

  • Blender (modeling simple, UV, texturing, rigging, animation)
  • 3DS Max (modeling simple, UV, texturing, rigging, animation, blendshape)
  • Maya (modeling simple)
  • ZBrush (modeling simple)
  • MeshLab (for mesh optimization / LOD creation)

Having knowledge on Blender allows me mainly to make tests and graphic optimization on existing contents without the need to return it to the artist.

Graphic utility: GIMP 2 – Allow me fast creation for placeholders during prototypage.


You will find here a non-exhaustive part of professional and student projects I have done.

Video games


Boiling Bolt (2015 – 2018)
2D/3D Shoot’em Up Game

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Technology Unreal Engine 4 (from 4.13 to custom 4.16)
Plateforms PC / PS4 / Xbox One
Publication Steam / itch.io (with Plug In Digital)

Company – Persistant Studios

Branch – Video game



Boiling Bolt is a 2D Shoot’em up allowing the player to move freely on a 3D ribbon.

The objective of the game is to help June in its adventure to understand and save its world. For this, you will have to destroy its ennemies and overcome obstacles that will be on your way.

With 4 unique secondary weapons and some passive skills, you should pass through the 6 levels of the game.

The game has a campaign mode, a « One Shot One Kill » mode, and about 30 challenges to overcome, and plethora of successes (Steam/PS4/XboxOne). The compaign can be accomplished with 1 or 2 players.

An online ranking (available on Steam/PS4/XboxOne) allow you to compare to the best players.

  • Main developer, worked on :
    • Architecture
    • Game logic (C++/Blueprints)
      • Camera
      • Movements & Weapons
      • AI (ennemies & bosses)
    • Custom integration of Box2D (2D physic engine)
    • Level Design tools (to create/edit ennemy waves)
    • Publishing tools (improvement of publishing on Steam and Itch.io directly from UE4)
    • Profiling/Optimizations on PC and consoles (reductions of heavy work on CPU thanks to multithreading, Object Pooling, engine modifications, Level Streaming)
    • Localization tools
    • Menu
    • HUD/UI
    • Engine updates (from 4.13 to 4.16)
    • Prototyping
    • Polish & Debug
    • Publishing
  • Integration of graphic (meshes, PopcornFX etc.) and audio assets.
  • Console port on PS4 / XboxOne
  • Graphic asset optimization (Level Of Details)




PokeLove (2021)
Pokemon hack

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Plateform GBA / Visual Boy Advance

Personal project requested for a friend making its marriage proposal.

Its character was inside the game and prepare the context for the proposal at the end of the game.
The game was also streamed to lot of friends, so my girlfriend and I changed a lot (almost every dialogues) of texts to have funny and private jokes, and even adapt the game between each stream.
So we’ve been able to do something like a Pokemon memorial that she losts during its game.
Lot of fun and emotional tears all along!

It was my first experience in hacking and I had less than 2 months to make it because it was also for its birthday.
So, got to learn a lot of thing on the subject. Was really fun and interesting, despite some enigmatic bugs that could appear!



Nooby Hacker

  • Text edition for funniy and emotional dialogues
  • Sprite edition and insertion (trainer and world characters) so I could add our friends into the game
  • Custom script to change some game behaviors and animations
  • Trainer edition and insertion so they use friend’s Pokemon teams




Engagement (2023)
Project used to make my engagement proposal

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Technology Unity 2022.3.5f1 – HDRP
Plateform PCVR – Meta Quest 2 (w/ hand tracking) with Oculus Link

Personal project used to make my engagement proposal to my beloved.

The idea was to show her our story in dioramas (~50cm boxes), from my point of view, since we met.
After succeeding to put the headset on her, believing that she was going to play Beat Saber, she could re-discover our story in an emotional way.
The experience invited her to remove the headset and look at me, on my knee.


As I wanted the experience to be visually attractive, I went on HDRP but made everything to keep solid 72FPS.
It also allowed me to push the visuals more than I usually do in my professional activity.

Everything in the experience has been self-made (characters, animations, vertex painting, sprites, particle effects) except BGM and SFX.
I am not a 3D artist and my time was limited (4 months, while still working on my job) so I went on a low-poly style.
A special care was taken for the lighting as I know it is really the most important thing for a good visual.
It allowed me to get a very smooth effect on the ground.

I worked a lot on UVs so important parts have a lot of reserved space for the lightmapping.
Some stuffs like chair and sofa were pretty hard due to their shape.
I kept crispy shadows thanks to a single cascade for the shadow mapping (+ kept performance good).

About the hand-tracking part, it is based on Oculus Interaction SDK and is only used to
press the red button to skip the message box.
I thought it would be more comfortable for the user.
But after experiment it, that was not a good idea because there was a lot of text,
and rising arm to press the button was kind of tiring.
A button on controllers would have been better.




Rives d’Arcin (2017)

Rives By Night
  Roller coaster in VR

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Technology Unreal Engine 4 (4.17)
Plateform PC

Company – Apperture



The shopping center Rives d’Arcins (near Bordeaux) wanted an interactive game contest in VR, in which the ones with the best scores will be awarded with gifts.

We went on a roller coaster game that takes place inside the shopping center, at night. Rules are simples: the player, equipped with a long stick, must hit a maximum of gifts in a row (but should avoid trapped gifts !).

A the end of the event, the hostess could look at a score file and find the winners.

The project has been achieved in 3 weeks by 1 programmer (myself), 1 graphist and 1 tech-artist for the VFX.



  • Gameplay (full done in blueprints)
    • Railcar travelling
    • Scoring
    • Bonus/trap gifts
    • Weapon system
    • Tools to define the speed of the railcar at specific periods
  • Tutorial scenarisation
  • Level Design
  • Asset integration (graphic and audio)
  • Adjustable game configuration for the hostess so it can be tweak during the event if required




Cubes Stacker Factory (2014)
Skill/build free game on mobile

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Technology Unity
Plateforms iOS / Android / Windows Phone 8
Context Company – DayDreamer Studio

Cubes Stacker Factory is a game in which the player must build the highest inversed tower, by packing small blocks.
  • Every programmer aspect
    • Architecture (menu + game logic)
    • Animations
    • Optimizations on mobile
    • Success system (static & dynamic)
    • Multiplatforms leaderboard system
    • « Facebook Share » feature
  • Graphic asset integration
    • Atlas Creation (with ShoeBox)
    • Animation integration (IK bones)




Through The Light (2013-2014)
Puzzle game / Plateform
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Technology PSM SDK (PlayStation Mobile SDK)
Plateforms PSVita
Context Student Projecttd>

Through The Light is a mix between a puzzle and a plateformer game. The objective is to bring the hero to the end of the level. To do it, you can manipulate pieces of the world by moving and rotating rooms around you.

The game also has a runtime editor that was planned to make available to players so they can create and share their own levels.

However, after the end of my studies at Epitech, the development of the game has been abandonned by the team.

  • Architecture (game logic, scene management)
  • Resources manager
  • Optimized physic generation for rooms (so 1 tile is not 1 box collider)
  • Graphic rendering (+ optimizations + post-process effects)
  • Loading optimization
  • Levels creation for the main mode
  • Tools to accelerate the development processus and code readibility
  • Graphics sprites (I edited my photos from my trip in South Korea to make them)




Magician Floor (2012-2014)
Adventure game
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Technology Havok Vision Engine
Plateforms PC
Context Student Project

Magician Floor is a game in which we cross through several level with unique gameplay on each level.

The game makes sense when we play it with the Microsoft’s Kinect. During the battle phases, the player must execute specific gesture to trigger a spell, making the game really dynamic and physic.

However, because of its complexity and its development duration way too long, the project has been abandonned.

  • R&D with the Kinect
  • Creation of external tools to facilitate the C++ development
  • Creation of external tool to describe the gesture to execute to make the spell
  • Environment modeling (see pictures)
  • Spells creation (+ visual effects)




Little Red Riding Hood (2012)
Puzzle game
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Technology Unity
Plateforms PC / Android
Context Student Project


The game consists in bringing the little red hood to her grandma, by collecting, if possible, the apple that are scattered in each level.

To reach that objective, you will have to place available objects smartly in the level.

The game mechanics of the game are inspired by the game Incredible Machine 2 (1994).

  • Team manager (made up of a korean, a german and a french)
  • Visual assets (background, character, animations, objects, menus etc.)
  • Level design
  • Some of the game logic
A PC version of the game is available here.

3D Realtime applications


DysvrQuest (2021-2023)

VR Pitch Training Formation

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Technology Unity (2021.2)
Plateform Meta Quest 2

Company – Apperture



Programmer (solo)

  • Project Architecture
    • Code flexibility in mind to adapt to customer needs
    • Robust code with unit testing
    • Architecture design conception (UML-‘kind of’)
    • Application flow using Unity Visual Scripting for visual monitoring and iteration acceleration
    • Client, formation and exercise data structure
    • Network and resources management
    • Asynchronous in mind thanks to UniTask
    • Data oriented (with fork from Daniel Everland work)
  • Animated crowd display (100+ avatars), thanks to GPU skinning and in-house native C# finite state machine (to replace Animator)
  • Optimization: CPU, GPU, Building (thanks to ShaderControl)
  • Hand tracking support for CurvedUI interactions
  • Microphone management: streaming recording, audio waveform texture generation, analysis and optimization to reduce memory footprint
  • Back office network communication and protocol definition (including Json scheme validator)
  • Pitch training exercise timeline interpretation from back office and local data
  • Database management thanks to Sqlite
  • Custom Json serialization, thanks to Newtonsoft
  • UI/Content/Audio integration
  • Unity Localization
  • Customer support
  • Documentation (40+ files)
  • Editor tools
    • Specific application build configuration tool: allows to switch project configuration for 15 customers with one button, and way more things like Oculus publishing
    • Pitch training exercise timeline visualizer: provide a visual read-only timeline to see the loaded exercise
    • Application license manager
    • Navigation toolbar to switch between recurrent scenes and i mportant data
  • And so much more but probably irrelevant here




Anoterv (2019)

Medical therapy tool for anorexics in VR

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Technology Unreal Engine 4 (custom 4.21)
Plateform PC

Company – Apperture
for the university hospital center of Reims (French city).



The objective was to help anorexic patients to get conscious of their own body and change how they perceives themselves, by passing some tests in VR.

First of all, the doctor enters the patient measurements to setup the avatar correctly and few other settings so it looks like the patient (changing hair cut/color).
Then, the patient passes some tests. For example, one of them is to chose an avatar (among a selection) that she/he thinks look like her/him.
Thus, the doctor can tell what he/she really looks like compare to the one that he/she selected.
By doing that, the patient can see that her/his perception is wrong.

Results are saved in a CSV file, by patient. It allows to get an history and see the evolution of the therapy.


Programmer (solo) on every aspect of the project.

A challenging part of the project was the measurements of the avatar. Because the patient could change many part of its avatar, and multiple part affecting the same vertices, I had to create a tool to measure avatar parts.
The customizable parts were setup by using blendshapes.
To be able to get perfect measurements, I customized UE4.21 to access vertices of the skinned mesh after the blendshapes were applied.
Then, I created an editor tool to make groups of vertices so, at runtime, I could be able to measure the distance between theses vertices and determine quite precisely the measurements.

For that project, I also had to dig in anatomy and medical stuff to determine how the avatar could be changed correctly, still keeping the customization easy (the hips were a very tricky part).



Vortex (2022)

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Technology Unity (2019.3)
Plateform VR Backpack

Company – Apperture



My role was to give improvement hints for a VR shooter with high quality rendering.
By using Unity’s Profiler, Frame Debugger and RenderDoc, I have been able to find some bottlenecks and provide improvement solutions.

  • Polycount and draw calls reduction of environment by mesh decimation and/or merge, using Mesh Baker
  • Redure draw call by merge of enemies parts so they are drawn in a single mesh — and it decreased significantly the mesh skinning overhead
  • Reduce overlapping lights
  • Disable shadow for not important lights in background
  • Improved settings for shadow cascade


Unity Rendering Optimization Course (2023)

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Technology Unity (2022.3.5f1) URP / HDRP
Plateform PC

Company – Apperture



I wrote and presented an internal Google Slide presentation on the subject of profiling and optimization with RenderDoc on Unity.
Beside, thanks to Unity’s tutorial authoring tools, I created and animated a workshop allowing my colleagues to get their hands dirty by profiling and finding solution on real cases, on a URP and HDRP projects.
For a playful approach, I wrote the step-by-step tutorial as a medieval fantasy RPG adventure.
I have been pretty pleased by my colleagues feedback, as much on the information content as the workshop presentation (step-by-step tutorial directly in Unity and the light tone used).

The presentation was about :

  • Rendering pipeline presentation (forward and deferred): what is it, what are the classic steps, what is a buffer, what is a shadow map/depth pass/G-Buffer etc.
  • Unity Profiler to find GPU bottleneck
  • Unity Frame Debugger
  • RenderDoc
    • Presentation, frame capture, windows etc.
    • What to look at
  • Occlusing Culling, batching, light probes, GPU instancing, MeshSkinning, Post Processing etc.


Advanced Unity Event

Lightweight but more powerful version of Unity Event.

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I am kind of pretty proud of this tool because of the power it can provide in-editor and its efficiency at runtime.
It allows to put in place inter-GameObject communication without making a new really specific script (visual or in C#) for the smallest thing.

This tools provides a way more powerful way to manage Unity Events.
It supports:

  • Use of generic AUEEvent<T>, instead of creating a new class inheriting from UnityEvent
  • Method searcher popup (AddComponent-like), instead of menu context
  • AUEEvent can be customized in editor so you may change the parameter of the event according to an enum for example
  • Supports AOT
  • Supports runtime subscription and are displayed inside the Inspector so you know what it is going on
  • Custom parameters:
    • Constant: support all basics native constants + UnityEngine.Object + custom serializable class
    • Dynamic: allow to select where you pass your method arguments
    • Method: use nested method as parameter
    • Property: use a property or nested property (following a path of properties and fields)
  • Reorderable events


Mail address : arnaud.begue@gmail.com

Ce site est hébergé par : Ikoula
175/177 rue d’Aguesseau, 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt